The marriage would be practiced outside one's group, class or caste. Exogamy, also known as out-marriage, has been practiced by people in many different countries and cultures throughout recorded history. Evolutionary theories are based on the general principle that certain traits or behaviors in particular environments may give groups or individuals some reproductive advantages over others if these traits or behaviors are passed onto offspring, either through genetic transmission or through social learning. Polygynous societies, particularly those with nonsororal polygyny, tend to be found in societies practicing patrilocal residence (Whiting 1964; White and Burton 1988) and also those having male-biased inheritance (Hartung 1982; Cowlishaw and Mace 1996). Exogamy, also known as out-marriage, is a socially accepted arrangement for marriage outside of a social group. However, the two types of marriage practice prioritize lineage in different ways (exogamy uses this practice to support and strengthen family names, while endogamy uses endogamous practices to isolate bloodlines within a lineage). If societies with more complex marriage celebrations are more invested in marriage, it stands to reason that they may be more likely to incorporate economic transactions into the union. According to this theory, groups that engaged in exogamy would flourish, while those that did not would all die, either literally or because they lacked sufficient ties for cultural and economic exchange, leaving them at a disadvantage. The origins of exogamy are uncertain, but it is thought to have arisen independently in different parts of the world. Using this line of reasoning, Boserup explains why societies with long-fallow agriculture, which involves rotating through relatively large tracts of land, is associated with polygyny compared with societies practicing plow agriculture on permanent plots of land. Why? Respect: Partners should respect each other's boundaries, opinions, and decisions. 2) Subsiding of romantic love. economy A second economic argument, somewhat related to the first, is the degree to which land is available. The globalization of society has had a profound effect on the practice of exogamy. But, while marriage and families may be virtually universal, this does not mean that marriage and family customs are the same across cultures. Interracial marriage: a marriage between two people of different races. If the answer is no, then male-female bonding was predicted; if the answer was yes, then female-male bonding was unlikely. There are a variety of theories about what particular problems make marriage adaptive. As we noted above, polygynous societies are also more likely to have aloof relationships between husbands and wives and co-wives exhibit considerable jealousy. Or, a father needs to clear the forest for planting, but is away working for wages. To understand what a cross-cousin is versus a parallel cousin, it helps to think of the term cross as meaning related to you by crossing gender in the parental generation. Family relationships may also be affected by the type and form of marriage. Note that the relationship between pathogen stress, although significant, is very weak. bridewealth However, there are also logical flaws to this argument. The following findings are consistent with these theories: Brides and their parents generally have a greater net gain in resources at the time of marriage than grooms and their parents (Huber, Danaher, and Breedlove 2011a, 2011b). Linguistic exogamy is a form of cultural exogamy in which marriage occurs only between speakers of different languages. Historically, royal families have practiced a form of endogamy for the sake of maintaining ''royal bloodlines'' while many indigenous peoples of both North America and Australia are well known for their practices of strict exogamous marriages to build strong genetic lines and strengthen bonds among all the peoples of an area. 2004. They should also show appreciation and kindness towards each other. The theory is based on two principles: 1) some individuals will make higher quality mates because they are more resistant to pathogens; and 2) with a high pathogen load, it is advantageous that a parent have offspring with more genetic variability because it increases the chances of having some offspring who can successfully withstand pathogens. After all, arranged marriage is far from universal in the anthropological record. It is marriage within the group and the group may be caste, class, tribe, race, village, religious group etc.We have caste endogamy, class endogamy, sub caste endogamy . However, in the modern world, people are increasingly mobile and interconnected. In human autosomal-DNA science, endogamy has been used to refer to any cousin marriage that affects an ancestral tree. 3) Women less dependent on men. Founded in 1949 at Yale University, HRAF is a not-for-profit membership consortium of universities, colleges, and research institutions. What predicts variation in family household form? 2003. This restriction is prevalent in the Munda and other tribes of Chhota Nagpur of Madhya Pradesh. Racial exogamy is when individuals marry outside of their own race. The argument is that if women contribute substantially to subsistence, men may benefit economically from having more than one wife. As long as families have daughters and the daughters marry, every family will receive bride price and pay out bride price when their sons marry. Why? non-classical polyandry tends to be found in small scale egalitarian societies that practice food collection and horticulture. Examine how exogamy differs from endogamy. It is a common practice in many societies around the world, and has been for centuries. Families are essential for human development. [citation needed] If a cousin marriage has accrued in a known ancestral tree of a person, in historical time, it is referred to as pedigree collapse. An analysis of hunting-gathering societies using language history not only supports this conclusion but suggests that arranged marriage may go back further to the early migration of humans out of Africa (Walker et al. The two main transfers of goods and services to the brides family are bride service and bride price. What is exogamy? A majority of the societies in the anthropological record have had extended family households (Coult and Habenstein 1965). The following findings support pathogen theory: Higher pathogen load predicts polygyny (Low 1990; Hooper 2006; Barber 2008; Minocher, Duda, and Jaeggi 2019). Co-wives tend to live in separate dwellings or residences, especially with nonsororal polygyny (Whiting and Whiting 1975). Finally, another reason for exogamy arose out of a need to access resources that were unavailable within ones own group. Specifically, your cross-cousins are your mothers brothers children and your fathers sisters children. Yes. exogamy is exogamic exogamousadj. exogamyn.[] exomis exosmosisn Women feel unhappy because of no prior understanding with the members of that family. low emphasis on love as a basis for marriage (Hull 1989). Pearson, Willie, Jr., and Lewellyn Hendrix. The opposite situation holds for matrilineal societies, but this time, assuming you cant marry in your kin group, only your matrilateral parallel cousins mothers sisters childrenwill be in your kin group. In support of the loss of males in warfare theory, general polygyny is found to be more likely with. The problem is that if there were no stable matings, we are probably talking about half-brothers, not full brothers. Why? The presence of extended families may also affect the marital relationship. As we have discussed, most societies forbid any cousin marriage, but a great deal of anthropological theorizing involves explanations of the different types of allowed, preferred, or prescribed cousin marriage (Levi-Strauss 1949; Homans and Schneider 1962; Leach 1951; see discussion in Berting and Philipsen 1960). In many mammal species that browse or graze on vegetation, babies can walk shortly after birth and travel with their mother as she feeds, allowing them to nurse with little impediment. See more. Exogamy, also known as out-marriage, is a socially accepted arrangement for marriage outside of a social group. Since pathogen stress is higher in tropical regions (Low 1990), this result may partially explain why polygyny is higher in such regions. If a father can stay with them, or take turns with the mother, survival chances improve greatly. Manage Settings Before turning to tests of theories about why societies have polygyny rather than monogamy, lets look at some conditions that are generally associated with polygyny. It leaked out the business skills and other secrets of a family. Jankowiak, Sudakov, and Wilreker (2005) find that in about 90% of the societies with co-wives, ethnographers report sexual and emotional conflict and they conclude that conflict is more-or-less a universal in polygynous societies. Tropical environments with room for expansion, particularly for general polygyny (Low 1990; White and Burton 1988). Hopi woman dressing hair of unmarried girl. Rosenblatt, Paul C., and Walter J. Hillabrant. 2007. There are many advantages to the practice of exogamy. It is also likely that exogamy evolved as a way to promote cooperation between groups. Nimkoff and Middleton (1960) acknowledged that their sample, focusing on nonindustrial societies, did not include the most complex societies, and therefore they suggested that the relationship with complexity was probably curvilinear, with the least and most complex societies being less likely to have extended family households. It is more likely to be the glue that holds a marriage together when economic production moves out of the household. Korotayev, Andrey V., and Joseph Cardinale. The internet has also made it easier for individuals to find potential mates from all over the world. [1] The rule that specifies marriage to a person from outside ones own group (kin, caste, or community). The reasoning is that marriages are often arranged with other communities that are potential enemies, so parents may opt to delay marriage for their sons until after his active period of warrior involvement. Societies with more complex celebrations tend to have. This was once a very taboo practice, as marriages were seen as a way to unite two families of the same faith. Why? 1962. In India, for example, people looking for a partner are pressured to towards endogamous marriage, to someone from within the same caste. Human Relations Area Files, accessed [give date]. Why? systems of exchange, Consanguinity The State of being related to someone by descent from a common ancestor, Assimilation How Minority Groups become part of the Dominant Culture. Biological exogamy is marriage of non blood-related beings, regulated by forms of incest law. marriage 2018; Minocher, Duda, and Jaeggi 2019), but not in societies with intensive agriculture. In addition, families may encourage their children to marry someone from a wealthy or influential family in order to gain social status or improve their financial prospects. But why polygyny? The number of individuals in such a household can be very large if there are polygynous marriages. We concentrate here on economic theories suggesting conditions that might make polygyny attractive for men and evolutionary theories that postulate advantages for both men and women. Edvard Westermarck said an aversion to marriage between blood relatives or near kin emerged with a parental deterrence of incest. Finally, the degree to which spouses choose their marriage partners may help us understand divorce rates. And anthropologists usually reserve the term extended family household to indicate that the members form a social and productive unit. Meaning of Exogamy Marriage That marriage in which all the blood relatives and members of the same kinship are prohibited to marry one another. The Raven totem could have ten individual tribes, while the Eagle totem could be composed of another ten tribes living separately from each other. Only 31% of societies have full individual choice.2. In addition, while extended families are associated with agriculture and sedentariness, the associations are very not very strong (Pasternak, Ember, and Ember 1976). Extramarital sex or reproductive issues as grounds for divorce (Frayser 1985). Whiting, John W. M., and Beatrice B. Whiting. If marriage is a socially-accepted union, societies need a way of recognizing that union. If cousin marriage is allowed, what predicts the type of cousins allowed or preferred? In such ceremonies, males are often asked to demonstrate their masculinity by showing little pain during genital surgeries or in special tests of fortitude. Exogamy can be divided into 'exo,' meaning outer or outside (like exoskeleton), and 'gamy,' meaning relationship or marriage (like in monogamy or polygamy). Why? my ek-sg--m plural exogamies 1 : marriage outside of a specific group especially as required by custom or law 2 : sexual reproduction between individuals (as of a particular species) that are not closely related exogamous ek-sg--ms adjective or exogamic ek-s-gam-ik More from Merriam-Webster on exogamy The theory is that when local opportunities for marriage are scarce due to small size, exogamy would be more adaptive. However, they found that the complexity of a society introduced a qualification, namely that, High mortality rate predicts nonsororal polygyny in non-state societies, but not in state societies. Parallel cousins are related to you through the same gendermothers sisters children and fathers brothers children. [5], In one Old Order Amish society, inbreeding increases the risk of "neonatal and postneonatal mortality. If there is a child from these relations and if they hit it off, that is, if there is accord, they discuss marriage (1962, 87), In still other societies, there may be little or no ceremony at all, such as for the Trobriand Islanders of northeastern Papua New Guinea. Consequences of Marriage and Family Forms, C. R. Ember, Ember, and Peregrine 2019, 245, Teaching eHRAF Exercise on Marriage and Family,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Biological exogamy is marriage of nonblood-related beings, regulated by forms of incest law. The promise of resources in the form of bride price or bride service provides a brides family with some assurance that the potential groom was a suitable partner (Huber, Danaher, and Breedlove 2011a). See theTeaching eHRAF Exercise on Marriage and Family for suggestions. magic In fact, if we look at the anthropological record, only about 19% of the worlds societies consider monogamy to be the only legitimate form of marriage.3 By far, most societies (80%) allow some form of polygyny, a type of plural marriage where one man is married to two or more women at the same time. Exogamy Our next governing rule of marriage is exogamy. Substantial transactions make it more difficult to marry which increases the impetus to practice stealing a bride (although sometimes this is with her approval). In a comparative study of 40 mammal and bird species (M. Ember and Ember 1979), no support was found for any of the three major theoriesdivision of labor, long dependency, or sexual competition. Ross, Cody T., Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Seung-Yun Oh, Samuel Bowles, Bret Beheim, John Bunce, Mark Caudell, et al. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Some of these are: Exogamous marriage is marriage between people from different groups, such as racial or religious groups. Long-fallow agriculture is associated with moderately complex societies and thus may account for the finding that polygyny is more prevalent in such societies, but less common in very complex societies. Similar to sexual restrictions on women, societies with a greater interest in the institution of marriage may be more likely to classify womens extramarital relationships as grounds for terminating the marriage. University of Manitoba - Faculty of Arts - Exogamy and Incest Prohibitions. is associated with bride theft (Ayres 1974). Starkweather and Hames (2012) theorize that by practicing polyandry males are able to increase their chances of paternity in an environment where females are scarce. As stated, there are many exogamy examples within the native peoples of North America and Australia. A single-parent, monogamous, or polygamous family that constitutes its own social and/or economic unit. migration In fact, there are strong taboos against incestuous relationships in many cultures. mile Durkheim[9] derives exogamy from totemism. Outbreeding: the practice of breeding between individuals who are not closely related. A division of labor by gender is a cultural universal and it is proposed that marriage is a way for females and males to productively share the results of their varied subsistence tasks. The opposite of exogamy is endogamy or the practice of marrying from within one's social. The children of siblings of the opposite gender (i.e., the children of a woman and her brother are cross-cousins to each other). Couples should be open and transparent with each other and avoid keeping secrets or lying. A considerable body of research suggests psychological effects on boys of growing up in polygynous households, particularly if they grow up in mother-child dwellings where the father is relatively absent early in a boys life. Elizabeth Prine Pauls was Associate Editor, Anthropology and Languages, at Encyclopdia Britannica. Broude (1983) finds that the following predict less divorce: permissive attitudes towards premarital sex. Exogamy is the practice of marrying outside one's group, clan, or kinship. Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (HRAF) is an internationally recognized organization in the field of cultural anthropology. Other causes of sex ratio imbalance in favor of females include migration of men for work or trade. J. F. McLennan[8] holds that exogamy was due originally to a scarcity of women among small bands. Individual or nuclear family wealth is spread across a broad spectrum in exogamous cultures. Why? document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Ancient Maya Updates? Starkweather and Hames point out that polyandry is often associated with the belief in partible paternity, the idea that a particular child can have more than one biological father. More socially complex societies, such as those with large communities and more political hierarchy, are more likely to permit first cousin marriage (M. Ember 1975). State societies are likely to have less male mortality because fighting forces tend to be specialized; therefore male mortality is less likely to be an important factor. Rosenblatt, Paul C., and David Unangst. Community exogamy refers to marriage with a spouse from another community; endogamy refers to marriage within the community. 2012. Claude Lvi-Strauss introduced the "Alliance Theory" of exogamy,[12] that is, that small groups must force their members to marry outside so as to build alliances with other groups. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. This has made exogamy more common than ever before. "[6] In French populations, people who reproduce with their first cousin develop cystinosis at a greater rate than the general population.[7]. All societies have at least one rule about whom one cannot marry, namely, the prohibition on marriage to brothers or sisters or parents (the incest taboo). In this section we discuss what cross-cultural research tells us about the degree to which societies prohibit, allow, or prefer marriage to cousins, to people in or outside the community, and the degree to which parents and others decide on marriage partners or allow individuals to make their own choices. Bride service tends to occur in hunting and gathering societies or societies at a simpler level of complexity (Evascu 1975). There are a couple of known exceptions to the claim that marriage is a universal custom. There are many types of marital relationships, including monogamous marriages, polygamous marriages, and even a kind of marriage referred to as exogamous marriage. However, in the modern world, they are becoming more and more accepted. As previously mentioned, polyandry as a societal practice is exceedingly rare. In moderation, this benefits the offspring as it reduces the risk of the offspring inheriting two copies of a defective gene. Kin groups formed on the rule of descent, which stipulates that an individuals membership is assigned at birth through the line of descent of either the mother (matrilineal) or father (patrilineal). For example, there may be six skin names in a given indigenous language group (native groups are defined by language). copyright 2003-2023 Obviously, we cannot talk about marriage in other species, but we can look at species with some stability in male-female mating and compare them with species lacking any stability. In modern times, the practice of exogamy has largely been driven by cultural factors. Some scholars have argued that endogamy is inherently discriminatory against women, since it allows men from each tribe to choose which women they will marry. Ember, Melvin, Carol R. Ember, and Bobbi S. Low. Such incorporation can be before marriage, such as growing up in the same community, or it can occur after marriage, such as being cared for by a deceased spouses family. Indeed, in a number of cross-cultural studies, higher female contribution to subsistence is significantly associated with more polygyny (Heath 1958; Burton and Reitz 1981; White and Burton 1988; Minocher, Duda, and Jaeggi 2019; but see M. Ember 1984). In both cases, not only did male and female sexual partners live separately with their maternal families, but they did not have regular economic cooperation nor other regular obligations with their sexual partners. The Inuit are North American indigenous peoples living in a moiety composed of totem (defined by animal names) groups that are made up of many smaller tribes. It is often called out-marriage due to the importance of looking outside one's group. Asymmetrical cross-cousin marriage with preferred or prescribed matrilateral cross-cousin marriage is more likely in patrilineal societies, those societies that are not bilateral, and in those societies with strong economic marriage transactions (Textor 1967; Coult 1965). This finding is consistent with anecdotal evidence that arranged marriage customs tend to break down with modernization. Marriage is one method for societies to establish a reproductive relationship between the bride and groom. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. brideservice While in Western cultures monogamy (marriage to only one spouse at any time) is generally the norm, this is not the case throughout the world. Outbreeding favours the condition of heterozygosity, that is having two nonidentical copies of a given gene. Community exogamy/endogamy. An example of endogamous marriages can be seen in historical royal families where maintaining the royal bloodlines required members of royalty to marry only other members of royalty, often leading to marriage within family units and certainly within genetically close units. In contrast, a man and woman in a more-or-less stable union not only share one set of children, but have no conflicts regarding other children to support. These exercises can be done individually or as part of classroom assignments. In the Nayar case, men were typically engaged in soldiering; in the Na case, men organized caravans for long-distance trade. Mandatory marriage within one's own group is known as endogamy. in complex societies that have social stratification and intensive agriculture (Schlegel and Eloul 1988; Evascu 1975), although such societies are also likely to lack substantial transactions at marriage (Evascu 1975). In other words, with dowry there is a downward passage of wealth. Another type of dowry is indirect dowry. Exogamy implies the practice of marrying outside of one's own group. A Historical-Anthropological Look at Some Socio-Political Problems of Second and Third World Countries., Male-Female Relationships in Cross-Cultural Perspective: A Study of Sex and Intimacy., Cross-cultural codes on husband-wife relationships., The Plow, Female Contribution to Agricultural Subsistance and Polygyny: A Log Linear Analysis., Terminological Correlates of Cross-Cousin Marriage., Cross-cultural patterns of marriage and inheritance: A phylogenetic approach., The Economics of Exogamous Marriage in Smallscale Societies., On the Origin and Extension of the Incest Taboo., Male-Female Bonding: A Cross-Species Study of Mammals and Birds., Resource distribution, social competition, and mating patterns in human societies., Bridewealth and Dowry in Africa and Eurasia., The Fireland Indians: Vol. 25 chapters | Sharing can be done by brothers and sisters or by larger social groups such as bands; indeed, hunters regularly share large game with an entire band. Indeed, as mentioned above, polygyny is also associated with a large discrepancy in age of marriage (M. Ember 1984) and both conditions explain polygyny better than one condition alone. Note which cousins are parallel and cross-cousins for the male listed as ego.. One of the earliest evolutionary theories about polygyny was put forth by Herbert Spencer (1876; see Carneiro 1967: xliii; M. Ember 1974; M. Ember, Ember, and Low 2007) who suggested that societies experiencing high loss of male life in warfare would have greater reproductive success if they practiced polygyny compared with societies that had a high loss of male life but continued to practice monogamy. About 75% of societies known to anthropology involve at least one explicit and substantial transaction related to marriage, and most societies have more than one transaction (Schlegel and Eloul 1988; Huber, Danaher, and Breedlove 2011b). The religion of Islam insists that daughters must inherit in addition to sons (although daughters receive only half the amount as sons). Family lineage is the only exception to their contrast. Why? Regions with high incidence of endemic pathogen stress are more likely to have cousin marriage (Hoben, Buunk, and Fisher 2016). Does this theory suggest any advantage for a woman to marry polygynously? Why? This type of marriage is common in many cultures around the world, as it helps to prevent inbreeding and promote genetic diversity within a community. The exchange of men or women served as a uniting force between groups. The marriage would be practiced outside ones group, class or caste. In fact, youre probably more likely to hear it in an anthropology class than anywhere else. There are a few different types of exogamy, which can be defined by the social group that individuals marry outside of. Why? The figures come from the Ethnographic Atlas Murdock (19621971) as retrieved from in (Kirby et al. Indeed, there is tremendous variability in almost every aspect of marriage, from the rules surrounding whom one can and cannot marry, how marriage is arranged, how couples get married, how many people can be married at a time, how long marriages last, and what conditions allow a marriage to be dissolved. Why? Put simply, its the practice of marrying outside of ones social group. They make the further assumption that agriculturalists and fishing people have more stable food supplies. Why? Related findings are that a combination of patrilocality and patrilineality predicts more compensation to the brides family or the bride (Huber, Danaher, and Breedlove 2011b) and that bride price is more likely in patrilineal societies (Goody 1973). First, most of the more stable bonding species lacked any division of labor, casting doubt on the division of labor theory. She coedited. 2019. Hunter-gatherers in recent times overwhelmingly have arranged marriage (Apostolou 2007), strongly suggesting that it was probably the ancestral pattern in human history (Apostolou 2014). These problems relate to the division of labor by gender, a very long infant dependency, and sexual competition, but each of them have logical flaws (C. R. Ember, Ember, and Peregrine 2019). But since women in the Arab Khalifate region are typically secluded, women would be unlikely to be able to cultivate their portion of land, leaving it to be controlled by her husband. Only half the amount as sons ) individual choice.2 if cousin marriage is a common in. Downward passage of wealth noted above, polygynous societies are also more likely to have cousin (! Or societies at a simpler level of complexity ( Evascu 1975 ) it the! As marriages were seen as a way to unite two families of the world unite two families of the in. 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