Three criteria were es The animals were transferred from the National Bison Range in Montana. The refuge is currently open from sunrise to sunset. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal was created out of farmland on the eastern edge of metro Denver during World War II to arm the U.S. Army. Join the Westword community and help support The Colorado Sun is a journalist-owned, award-winning news outlet based in Denver that strives to cover all of Colorado so that our state our community can better understand itself. The shock shuffled furniture around in homes, and left electrical wall outlets hanging by their wires at Irondale. The new venue hosts the Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer. There is an 11-mile motor tour that takes you through the preserve. As production declined at wars end, the U.S. Army leased some of the facilities to private companies, one of which Shell Oil Co. purchased, for the production of agricultural chemicals. [11], The NRDA found several injuries to wildlife. Two sites were retained by the Army: the South Plants location due to historical use[clarification needed], and the North Plant location, which is now a landfill containing the remains of various buildings used in the plants. Several persons scurried into the streets when buildings started shaking back and forth. The waste from the pre-treatment plant was generally a solution containing 13,000 parts per million sodium chloride (salt), with a pH ranging from 3.5 to 11.5. 1995-1996Following extensive community input, the Off-Post and On-Post Records of Decision (ROD) are signed. The waste fluid chemistry is not known precisely. Spills occurred in the central processing areas, storage areas, and out of chemical sewers that existed underground. In the early 1980s the site was selected as a Superfund site and the cleanup process began. Through events, communications, advocacy and fundraising, we support the refuges in. [14] The following data were derived from the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Medical Monitoring Program Surveillance for Birth Defects Compendium prepared by Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and published in February 2010. Its not because the Department of Defense has some ecological ethic, said Havlick, author of a book about conversions, Bombs Away: Militarization, Conservation, and Ecological Restoration.. 2003The EPA removes 917 acres of RMA land from the National Priorities List. Fish and Wildlife Service inventoried more than 330 species of wildlife that inhabit the Arsenal including deer, coyotes, white pelicans and owls. Jefferson County Finds Itself Up a Tree Over Controversial Forest-Thinning Practices, Dominion Has the Cure for Foxitis: $1.6 Billion Defamation Lawsuit, Celebrate the 303: From Crocs to Cannabis, Colorado Has Your Number, No Liberal Tears: We Build the Wall's Colorado Conspirator Sentencing PostponedAgain, Have Thoughts About the Denver Moves Everyone Plan? Theoretically, if the Earth still exists in the year 3000, theyll still be monitoring groundwater at the arsenal, he said. After a $2.1 billion cleanup, the site was reborn as Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, with 24 square miles (61 square kilometers) of idyllic prairie where visitors can take scenic drives or hikes. Despite yesterday's earthquake that hit the Trinidad region, "Colorado is considered a region of minor earthquake activity," according to the U.S. Geological Survey. A monitoring program was developed to monitor the success of exposure prevention efforts during the environmental cleanup at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. (8 of 9), "The Refuge and adjacent property represent a public-private partnership done right," said Mayor Sean Ford. This public availability will be implemented while simultaneously supporting the remediation effort and the USFWS activities. This led the State of Colorado to take legal action over who has legal authority over RMA remediation efforts, payment of natural resource damages (NRDs), and reimbursement of costs expended for cleanup activities (response costs). Vote in our annual food bracket challenge. 1947The U.S. Army places the RMA on standby status and leases some facilities to private industry. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge has been transformed from a 17,000+ acre facility used for weapons and chemical manufacturing into a beautiful nature sanctuary. independent local journalism in Denver. The facility was built in 1942, in response to the outbreak of World War II in Europe. 1984The U.S. Army conducts the RMA Remedial Investigation / Feasibility Study, which includes the systematic investigation of contamination and the development and evaluation of cleanupalternatives. Also, they noted that if all groundwater were to be cleared for human consumption, the cost would be $500 million annually. The U.S. Congress responded to the movement in 1980 with the creation of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), most commonly referred to as a Superfund. This legacy, they say, requires restrictions on where visitors can go and obligates the government to monitor the sites for perhaps centuries. Rated magnitude 1.5, it was not strong enough to be felt by area residents. Any detected voids behind the casing were cemented to prevent possible contamination of other formations. To read the report, click, Archives: Project Descriptions / Fact Sheets, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - A lot of the environmental stories are kind of doomy and gloomy, and these are successful ones, something positive, he said. Manufacturing and waste disposal practices used during these years resulted in extensive soil, surface water, sediment, groundwater and structures contamination, damage to trees and vegetation, and death to wildlife. According to National Resource Damage Assessment, although the contamination has been reduced by the treatment efforts, the water in and around the arsenal may never be fully clean. Hanford where the cleanup has already cost at least $48 billion and hundreds of billions more are projected may be the most troubled refuge of all. Since its establishment in 1942, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) has played a unique role in the service of our nation. 1989The U.S. Army, EPA and Shell sign the Federal Facilities Agreement, which provides a framework for decision-making and for completing 14 Interim Response Actions (IRAs) while final cleanup plans are developed. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge Act was passed in October 1992 and signed by President George H. W. Bush. I think theres a case to be made that just leaving it in place really maintains an unacceptable risk of contamination spreading from the site, he said. There is no appropriate standard by the EPA, but the state of Colorado has a standard treatment protocol for this chemical. Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge (credit: CBS) Nick Kaczor and his team were also out -- trying to find the black footed ferrets. Colorado health officials contendthat Shells trenches and slurry walls have not prevented pesticides and other dangerous chemicals from leaching into the groundwater. 1943RMA employees work around the clock to manufacture mustard gas, Lewisite, chlorine gas and incendiary weapons. But parts of the refuge remain off-limits, including specially designed landfills where the Army disposed of contaminated soil. After a $2.1 billion cleanup, the site was reborn as Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, with 24 square miles of idyllic prairie where visitors can take scenic drives or hikes. In 1982, all production at the site stopped, and the Arsenals mission changed to environmental cleanup and restoration. These field activities began in the fall of 1997 and significant portions of the cleanup have already been accomplished. The deep injection well was closed in 1985 and Basin F was closed in 1988 [10] The Army replied by indicating federal authorities should regulate the arsenal superfund site through the CERCLA, and not state environmental authorities. Rocky Mountain Arsenal, among other post-military sites, was a top priority, establishing RMA as a superfund site. However, when the Basin F liquids were actually introduced, the process required more time than anticipated to complete because of the impermeability of the rock. From 1943 to 1956, the US Army and Shell discharged wastes into the unlined basins resulting in the contamination of the South Platte River outside the Arsenal. Only one, on July 15, caused minor damage at Commerce City. In this study, baseline birth defects were estimated from the time period 19891997, which was the point at which the clean-up began, and inclusion criteria included mother's address at the time of birth being within the geographical study area. This soil is contained in hazardous waste landfills. When the cleanup was completed, it was clear that no Arsenal chemicals had been released into the air that exceeded the health-protective levels established for the site since the environmental cleanup began in October 1997. PDF Jun 1, 2022 Laws, rules, and regulations General Fishing Laws More than 600 chemicals have been used or manufactured at the arsenal, including: Diisopropyl methylphosphonate (DIMP), a chemical unique to the Army's manufacture of nerve gas. The U.S. "Without the support of multiple federal agencies including the EPA Commerce City would have not been able to leverage a remediated property into a true community asset." 1942The U.S. Army establishes the Rocky Mountain Arsenal to produce chemical weapons as a war-time deterrent. In 1942, during World War II, the U.S. Army bought 17,000 acres of farmland outside of Denver to develop chemical weapons to be used as a war deterrent. These potential confounders are not clearly addressed in this report and may complicate the analysis as well as raise concern for disparities in exposure risk that is dependent upon demographic factors. Fish and Wildlife Service management, and they now protect black bears and black-footed ferrets, coral reefs and brushy steppes, rare birds and imperiled salmon. The history of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge stretches back more than 60 years. The Colorado School of Mines rated this shock magnitude 5.0. Fish and Wildlife Service establishes a field office at the RMA to manage bald eagles and other wildlife. Today, it is considered a hazardous waste site according to the Colorado Department of Public and Environmental Health. Then a year and half after the Rocky Mountain Arsenal waste dumping practice stopped, the strongest and most widely felt shock in Denver's history struck that area on August 9, 1967, at 6:25 in the morning. A volume of approximately 52,500 acre-feet (65 million cubic metres) of the alluvial aquifer is not usable for human consumption. Here's the history of the Arsenal quakes from the USGS site: It was 32 minutes after 4 a.m. on April 24 when the first shock of the Denver series was recorded at the Cecil H. Green Geophysical Observatory at Bergen Park, Colorado. The timeline below highlights important milestones from each decade. (6 of 9), TOURISM - Nearly 500,000 people annually visit the 15,000-acre Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge where they can see more than 330 species of animals including bison, deer, bald eagles and black-footed ferrets. 1943From 1943 to 1946, the Rose Hill Prisoners of War Camp houses captured German soldiers at the RMA. The primary contaminants include organochloride pesticides, organophosphate pesticides, carbamate insecticides, organic solvents and feedstock chemicals used as raw products or intermediates in the manufacturing process (e.g., chlorinated benzenes), heavy metals, chemical warfare material and their related breakdown products and biological warfare agent such as TX. The well was cased and sealed to a depth of 11,975 feet (3650 m), with the remaining 70 feet (21 m) left as an open hole for the injection of Basin F liquids. Additionally, ordnance (including incendiary munitions) was manufactured and tested, and asbestos and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were used at RMA. Official websites use .gov The Colorado departments Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division filed the lawsuit Monday in U.S. District Court in Denver to force the Army to comply with standards set by the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). In April 2007 Dick's Sporting Goods Park, a soccer-specific stadium, was opened on part of the former Rocky Mountain Arsenal land that was transferred to Commerce City. Thousands of ducks died after coming in contact with its wastewater ponds in the 1950s. Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge, a former nuclear weapons plant northwest of Denver, opened to hikers and cyclists last September, but some activists question whether its safe. A local shock awakened a few persons in Commerce City November 25. An official website of the United States government, Rocky Mountain Arsenal has recently published its annual community report. One of the major lessees, Shell Oil Company, along with Julius Hyman and Company and Colorado Fuel and Iron, had manufacturing and processing capabilities on RMA between 1952 and 1982. (4 of 9), CREATION OF WILDLIFE REFUGE In the 1980s a roost of bald eagles, which were then on the Endangered Species List, was discovered. 1962Treated liquid waste is injected into a deep well located more than 12,000 feet below the ground surface. As cleanup progressed, the Army transferredmost of the land to the U.S. 1996The U.S. Army, Shell and U.S. The Army told the Nuclear Regulatory Commission it could cost $3.2 billion to clean the area for unrestricted use. More from our Calhoun: Wake-Up Call archive: "Denver boot puts the lock on the Global Business Travel Association bash.". Since then, the US Army started to operate the site. Structures that contain the contaminated soil at RMA are also actively monitored, along with surface water and biological resources. While the framework for the comprehensive environmental cleanup was being developed, work crews discovered a pair of roosting bald eagles at the site, which prompted the U.S. Exchanging animals among smaller herds. The Army and Shell Oil Co. began conducting detailed site investigations in the 1970s to define the extent of contamination. Annual Highlights from Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Rocky Mountain Arsenal has recently published its annual community report. The Army discontinued use of the well in Feb. 1966 because of the possibility that the fluid injection was triggering earthquakes in the area. Become a member to support the independent voice of Denver During 1968, ten slight shocks were felt in Colorado. 1943RMA employees work around the clock to manufacture mustard gas, Lewisite, chlorine gas and incendiary weapons. State health officials are asking the federal courts to intervene to stop the contamination on the north and northwest boundaries of the trenches. Who makes the best hot chicken sandwich in Denver? the Rocky Mountain Arsenal Disposal Well By D. B. Hoover and J. 2004After the EPA certifies that cleanup actions are complete, the U.S. Department of Defense transfers 5,000 acres of RMA land to the U.S. Department of the Interior to officially establish the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. An acoustical ceiling and light fixtures fell at one school. The military closed the sites to keep people safe from the dangerous work that went on there, not to save the environment, said Havlick of the University of Colorado. This was further exacerbated when the U.S. Army discovered an endangered species, the bald eagle. [3] One of the goals of the MMP was to enhance community assurance that the clean-up was effective, and it included air quality monitoring, cancer surveillance, and birth defects surveillance. Telling stories that matter in a dynamic, evolving state. After the attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States entered World War II, the U.S. Army began looking for land to create a chemical manufacturing center. When the Cold War ended in the 1980s, more surplus military lands were earmarked for refuges. Depleted uranium, a byproduct of nuclear fuel production, is used for armor-piercing shells. Weapons manufactured at RMA included both conventional and chemical munitions, including white phosphorus (M34 grenade), napalm, mustard gas, lewisite, and chlorine gas. So theres a huge downside to converting it into a wildlife refuge, because it allows residual contamination to remain in place, said Jeff Edson, a former Colorado state health official who worked on the cleanup. Residents were generally shaken, but no damage was sustained. At the borders of the RMA and at some places in the sites interior, contaminated groundwater is pumped from the below the surface and cleaned before reinjection. Today, the Refuge encompasses more than 15,000 acres of restored shortgrass prairie and provides habitat to more 300 species of wildlife, including American bison, bald eagles, mule and white-tailed deer, burrowing owls and black-footed ferrets. Baseline rates of congenital anomalies in the study area compared to Colorado as a whole did not show significant differences between populations. Keeping our congressional leaders . Both those cases are pending in federal court. (3 of 9), REDEVELOPMENT - Commerce City, CO a northern suburb of Denver,and a sports enterprise business have invested more than $120 million in the property, which yields 1.7 million visitors annually. From 1964 -- 1966, waste was removed from an isolated section of Basin F and was combined with waste from a pre-treatment plant, located near Basin F, and then pumped into the well. Since 1985, the mission at RMA has been the remediation of the site. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA), a few miles northeast of Denver, was originally constructed and operated by the Chemical Corps of the United States Army. It was estimated by the U.S. Last Conditions Report for Rocky Mountain Arsenal: 11.15.21. Kirk Mitchell is a general assignment reporter at The Denver Post who focuses on criminal justice stories. Restrictions on well water use, residential development, consumption of fish and game from the arsenal, and agricultural use of the arsenal will exist in perpetuity until further scientific research is completed at the site. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal manufactured chemical weapons including mustard gas, napalm, white phosphorus, lewisite, chlorine gas, and sarin. It was felt at Laramie, Wyoming, to the northwest, east to Goodland, Kansas, and south to Pueblo, Colorado. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge has been transformed from a 17,000+ acre facility used for weapons and chemical manufacturing into a beautiful nature sanctuary. Over 1,300 earthquakes were recorded at Bergen Park between January 1963 and August 9, 1967. Statistically significant findings (p<0.01) of this study included demographic differences in the mothers as follows: median age 24, compared to 27 years of age in Colorado as a whole, higher percent of mothers who were white/Hispanic and black, mean education level of 11.8 years compared to 13.1 years in Colorado as a whole, fewer mothers who were married, and fewer prenatal visits on average. Much of the site is now protected as the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. During November 1967, the Denver region was shaken by five moderate earthquakes. Some were among the most dangerously polluted sites in the nation but held swaths of hard-to-find habitat. Soon after, Congress enacted legislation designating the RMA as a future national wildlife refuge. This new publication offers highlights from the past year, along with news about upcoming projects scheduled for 2022. Houses creaked and objects rattled during this magnitude 2.1 earthquake. Rocky Flats historical public exposure studies, Final Consent Decree between the United States and the State of Colorado, Final Consent Decree between Shell Oil Company and the State of Colorado, Colorado Attorney General's Colorado Natural Resources Trustees website, Colorado environmental health site assessment. From Arsenal of Democracy to urban wildlife refuge, the RMA has been critical to achieving U.S. defense, space exploration, environmental remediation and conservation goals. Most badgers at Rocky Mountain Arsenal appear to be unaffected by dieldrin, one of the main chemical contaminants remaining in the soil at the military base. SITE HISTORY - Rocky Mountain Arsenal was listed on the NPL in 1987. Trace amounts of the chemical 1,4-dioxane has been found in some samples of drinking water. But cleanup costs for an area where contaminated waste is stored are soaring, and Department of Energy investigators say the project has been plagued by fraud and mismanagement. Activities began in the area for unrestricted use and J from leaching the... Of ducks died after coming in contact with its wastewater ponds in the area... Million cubic metres ) of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal manufactured chemical weapons mustard... As cleanup progressed, the Denver Post who focuses on criminal justice stories were transferred from the past,! Are kind of doomy and gloomy, and left electrical wall outlets hanging by their wires at Irondale, slight! Left electrical wall outlets hanging by their wires at Irondale - role in the area hanging their... 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