Admiral Byrd's statements were published in the Chilean Press but never publicly confirmed by US authorities. German Navy Grand Admiral Karl Dnitz said: The German submarine fleet is proud of having built for the Fhrer in another part of the world a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable fortress. Esta declaracin se hizo como parte de una recapitulacin de su propia experiencia polar, en una entrevista exclusiva con International News Service. Later, another tractor went down in a crevasse and its driver was crushed. Rather than attribute the swastika to the Nazis and their nearby underwater subterranean caves and bases, this swastika is far more likely linked to the ancient religious symbol for peace that originated on the Indian subcontinent. In addition to censorship of that 1947 National Geographic article, a December 1959 Flying Saucer magazine article covering Byrds polar flights also was eliminated from circulation, not unlike censorship today with real news labeled fake news slotted for censorship. So much for UFOs with swastikas. And since the majority, or close to a majority, of those at the highest rungs of power in this world are deranged, satanic worshipping pedophiles, represented by the near four decades of nonstop Bush-Clinton-Obama reign of terror, they know that their jigs up. A statement by Admiral Byrd to the International News Service was published by the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio in March of that year, part of which read: " Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the . [1][2] The operation was organized by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, Jr., USN (Ret), Officer in Charge, Task Force 68, and led by Rear Admiral Ethan Erik Larson, USN, Commanding Officer, Task Force 68. This troublesome find led to the Saudi request for Russia to retrieve the ark and take it some place far away from any more Muslims. Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd said that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. Admiral Byrd saw what his own criminal government did to his honorable friend James Forrestal, and after losing his own men while losing a UFO battle at the South Pole, it was no stretch for him to conclude that Antarctica may well become the next major World War III battlefield. Of course Harrys dad Charles, Grandpa Philip and virtually the entire royal British bloodline was smitten by the pedophile of the century Jimmy Savile, whos believed to have even pimped child victims for the royal familys consumption. While stationed at Area 51, Lt. Byrds enigmatic assertion leaves open the possibility that his opponent could navigate from pole to pole through a hollow earth passageway, surmising that WWIII would likely be eventually fought at the Poles. It carries the name Bunger Hills, after the Highjump pilot who first flew over it. Today we the global masses have a unique opportunity to bridge and integrate knowledge and truth by synthesizing modern technology with ancient wisdom for the greater good of all humanity. He calculated the width of the earths crust separating the surface world from the inner one to be 800 miles, corroborated by Lt. Col. Woodards more recent testimony. 1947 was a busy and eventful year as Majestic 12 was also formed in July per an executive order by President Truman. He also stated that the hollow earth has an inner sun, one ocean and one continent larger than the earths surface landmass. Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft. Yet another one of Himmlers peculiar pet projects in his quest to create the perfect Aryan race was allegedly sending 10,000 of the purest Ukrainian woman of German-Slavic descent and 2,500 SS bluebloods from the Russian front to Antarctica in order to breed the future super race in their polar base and alleged city New Berlin being built. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Im not really sure what to make of it, but it is worth a look. As citizens of the world, we hereby are emancipating ourselves from the globalists old system of robotic slavery and demonic control. English, News Three years ago a study confirmed that a giant ocean of water lays 254 miles (410 km) deep into the mantle below the earths surface. In 1938, the Nazis asked Byrd to join their expedition to the North Pole, which the admiral quite naturally declined. [sic]. The translation that follows is from an online piece by Summerhayes and Beeching(well worth reading). It had to have eaten him up inside. So much for diversionary rabbit holes designed to lead us to nowhere but disbelief. As a young man Olaf suffered for telling his story and kept it to himself until befriending a person near the end of his solitary life to share his amazing tale. Its our responsibility to harness and impart this knowledge and wisdom to uplift and enrich all of our lives. 0. US Navy operation to establish an Antarctic research base, Diving Under Antarctic Ice: A History Peter Brueggeman, United States Antarctic Service Expedition, Capt. Yet another cartography contribution was Orontheus Phynius map in 1531 that even showed Antarcticas mountains and rivers. Apparently this civilization is willing to work with selected humans like Woodard, deployed by deep states black ops at Area 51s subterranean levels, 85% being military and 15% civilian. The Nazi Antarctica myth has been out there for some time now, and having researched Nazi Germany and WWII for more than a few decades now, have known for about that long that no such Nazi base, and no such Nazi UFOs were ever present then, or now, in that region either above or under the surface, as many still claim. As an honest individual, Byrd must have suffered excruciating inner conflict and pain, keeping what he knew secret from the rest of the world. Can't use it as truth. Admiral Richard E. Byrd is among Americas most honored American heroes and pioneering explorers. That guided the building of stations there. After nearly two months on assignment, suddenly out of nowhere the naval task force was attacked by combat power and conditions never before witnessed on a battlefront. The Chilean newspaper El Mercurio ran a March 5th, 1947 article stating: Adm. A & S: Admiral Richard Byrd, who led the Highjump expedition, had 13 ships, 23 aircraft, and 4,700 men. This is the abysmally sad and pathetic world were currently living in the Orwellian nightmare of total deception in the name of global genocide. In 1692 renowned English scientist Edmund Halley who discovered Halleys Comet and made valuable contributions in geophysics, mathematics, astronomy and meteorology proposed that the earth was hollow. It is estimated that at least 150,000 such envelopes were produced, though their final number may be considerably higher. And there were very few of those 4,700 who had any [polar] experience. A team of scientists from Harvard believe that they have found an ancient earth inside our earth. Its quite good, with plenty of documentation: Colin Summerhayes and Peter Beeching, Hitlers Antarctic Base: The Myth and The Reality, Polar Record 43 (224): 121 (2007). However, for your future research on the Nazi Antarctic exploits, you might find this interesting and this too This supposed Nazi documentary might be complete baloney, but it seems to have become part of the Neuschwabenland canon, for what its worth. If these latest revelations turn out to be true, it would forever change our perception of history. Going back to my notes, I find that Farrell did mention, in a radio interview I heard on his book The SS Brotherhood of the Bell (2008), that he thought the stories of Nazi UFOs and the Antarctic underground bases were fabrications of the neo-Nazis. His description closely parallels Admiral Byrds later observations. Even after the May 1945 Nazi surrender, a U-530 submarine that had left Kiel, Germany in April is believed to have reached Antarctica in an operation called Valkarye-2 where the crew was reported to have built ice huts encased in steel plates and unloaded Third Reich relics and valuables for storage. As long as the globalists manage to divide and rule over us through the dichotomy of good guy versus bad guy, God vs. Satan, good ET vs. bad ET, good religion vs. bad religion, good nation vs. bad nation, real fake news vs. bad true news, they will forever be playing us for the blinded, ignorant fools weve been for never learning our history lesson, doomed to repeat the same mistake, mindlessly reacting to their same old con game ad nauseam. Moreover, in recent years enormous pyramid structures have also been discovered in Mexico, Central and South America, China, Kazakhstan, Bosnia among other places. A & S: How did Highjump help lay the foundation for further U.S. exploration of the continent? And just a few weeks prior to the French astronauts dramatically delivered dire warning, in late October came the Joe Biden-Vladimir Putin meeting in Moscow with Inqusitrs sensationalized headline ALIEN UFO INVASION FLEET WILL REACH EARTH IN SEPTEMBER 2017, OBAMA ALLEGEDLY WARNS PUTIN AFTER NASA DETECTED MILES-WIDE ARMADA OF SPACESHIPS THAT ENTERED OUR SOLAR SYSTEM.. Apparently the secret 1947 diary originated back in the 1970s from a group in rural Missouri calling itself The Society for a Complete Earth, led by an individual who aspires to travel to the interior world by dirigible. The following year in 1927, Byrd, Bennett and three others were among several aviator teams that made the first nonstop transatlantic flight from the US to France, though flying solo Charles Lindbergh became the very first. Virtually all civilizations throughout human history from ancient to modern times have independently made references to the hollow earth and its human-like inhabitants. Cheers! The Byrd collection consists of two acquisitions, the first in 1985 and the second in 1990, and fills 523 cubic feet of space. and encountered heavy resistance to their Antarctic venture from flying saucers and had to call off the invasion.1 The story is bogus (the UFO part), but gullible researchers have perpetuated this myth. The ancient Hermetic adage as above, so below can easily be applied to ongoing changes in the earths Polar Regions as a microcosm to the profound widespread changes currently taking place at the macrocosm level throughout our solar system and beyond. Scientists have also determined that the earths core is as hot as the suns surface. Hitler secured the Holy Spear when he annexed Austria although some believe it was a replica and that Himmler may have sent the real deal to Antarctica. Some believe its an enormous meteorite three times the size of the life extinction asteroid that 250 million years ago wiped out the dinosaur, 70% of land-based vertebrates and 96% of the earths sea creatures. The warm air convection current emanating from the polar openings obviously accounts for this difference. Four American tanks observe something round that skittered along the snow. He refuses to go public other than using his writing as a confessional and form of self-therapy. This can be the only hope for mankind. Twentieth century Nazis and twenty-first century Illuminati are well aware of this merging between modern science and ancient occult wisdom, except their Modus Operandi has been to use it selfishly to gain evil power and control over humanity. The article by Lee van Atta entitled "Admiral Richard E Byrd refers to the Strategic Importance of the Poles" had been sent from "On Board Mount Olympus on the High Seas". Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again and those who are of darkness shall fall in its Light FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN. Billed as a reconnaissance mission to establish the research base Little America IV, the operation hit the high seas in December 1946. Yet were supposed to believe it will take nearly a year in advance for the bogeyman from outer spaces armada to arrive here on earth. Privacy Statement Mongolian tribes believe that tunnels at earths surface link to the subterranean world. The royal couple made their royal rounds touring several Spanish research stations on the continent. Belanger: No. And if new, more factual conclusions are the result, the old, less true conventional models and theories eventually fall by the wayside. Even a cursory examination of the real Byrds writing style and the amateurish comic book sci-fi account of the later discovered February 1947 diary plants serious doubt that the latter was written by the explorer. . For instance, despite the fact that Jupiter and Saturn are the largest planets in our solar system, it only takes Jupiter 9.8 hours and Saturn 10.5 hours to rotate a full circle. But apparently the secret diary all about the hollow earth visit to Aghartha was conjured up years after Gianninis book with the probable intent to substantiate the B of A writers earlier claim. Along with co-pilot Floyd Bennett, on May 9th, 1926 Byrd braved a 16-hour flight in a tri-motor monoplane circling over the Arctic tundra for 13 minutes before heading back to complete the first landmark journey to the North Pole covering 1,335 nautical miles. Rear Admiral Byrd ( circa 1955) As a result of his achievement, Byrd was promoted to the rank of rear admiral by a special act of Congress on December 21, 1929. The Vril society founded in 1918 sought occult knowledge. All this sounds so preposterous considering alien technology can instantly traverse the vast Universe. But 2016 has not gone according to the globalist plan. This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service. Even the Bermuda Triangle as a vortex point has a link to the inner world. Gravity in the inner world is less than one third the outer worlds, which Billie cited as the main reason why the inner race of people are several feet taller. But with world war looming on the horizon, a decision was made to eventually abort the expedition and both east and west base camp personnel sailed their ships into Boston harbor in May 1941 while war in Europe was already raging. Later, he seems to have changed his mind, at least in part, as evidenced in the previous links I sent. Then on February 16th, just four days later, the elderly Patriarch Kirill departed on a sudden trip to Antarctica to bless a penguin and the frozen land as a model of ideal humanity.. But as one of the pilots, Conrad Gus Shinn [who flew Douglas R4Ds from the carrier USS Philippine Sea], told me, We didnt really know what we were doing. If an intelligent civilization that only knows peace and compassion lives in the earths interior and we were told the truth back then, it would have ended the Cold War and undoubtedly changed the fate of mankind forever. The angel Gabriel is said to have informed Mary of Jesus birth and dictated the Koran to Muhammed. Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. And theyre still happening. By the end of the century, sea levels are expected to rise up to 10 feet, submerging cities like Miami and New York and forcing evacuation of 150 million people living along low lying coastlines worldwide. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Billie Faye Woodard says that the earths shell separating the inner and outer worlds is about 800-850 miles in thickness and that our planets center of gravity is roughly at this shells midpoint. But by 1956 Washington was long committed to carrying out its sinister policy of secrecy, lies, and even murder to deprive Americans and all of humanity of the truth. Also for too obvious reasons, a strict ban thats forever been enforced expressly forbids planes from flying over the North and South Pole. Charles W. Thomas, USCG, Commanding, Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature Film, "Scientific Diving Under Ice: A 40-Year Bipolar Research Tool", "Operation Highjump: The Great Antarctic Expedition", "Operation Highjump: A Philatelic Introduction", "Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature", "Declassified Records on Operation Highjump",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the United States Coast Guard, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Currently an international crime cabal rules over every national government using the ultra-effective divide and conquer strategy for status quo, low maintenance, keeping us ignorantly weak by fighting, blaming, fearing and hating each other, perpetrating state-sponsored endless war of terrorism inflicting fear and death for population control, fanning the flames of a West vs. East cold war machine igniting WWIII, and committing organized crime on an epic scale that controls virtually all international drug trafficking, global child sex trafficking and global money laundering. Near the poles the crusts then thinned out to form a hole at both the northern and southern extremities. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine Despite interrogation, the Nazi seamen remained tight-lipped regarding their actual Antarctic mission. He spoke of daily work tasks like remote viewing and planting thoughts in others heads. The wise ones occupying the earths interior were alleged to have become very concerned once the Americans dropped the atomic bomb on Japan. Finally found the article from Chilean newspaper with admiral Byrd's quote "I'm not trying to scare anyone but the bitter reality is that, should a new war occur, the United States will be attacked by planes that fly over one or both poles". El Almirante explic que no quiere asustar a nadie, pero es una verdad amarga que, en el caso de una nueva guerra, los Estados Unidos podran ser atacados por aviones que pueden volar sobre uno o los dos polos. Despite twenty-first century technology that boggles the mind, the terra firma we take for granted walking around on what we call earth is a largely unknown entity. His name was, of course, illustrious, and they wanted to make use of that. I have to warn my compatriots that the time has ended when we were able to take refuge in our isolation and rely on the certainty that the distances, the oceans, and the poles were a guarantee of safety. The Admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles. A & S: The only casualties on Highjump were the three Navy men killed in the George 1 airplane crash in December 1946. His radio announcement was never followed up in the press because the government obviously suppressed any further publicity covering his wondrous discovery 2,300 miles beyond the Pole. Obviously from his final entry he wanted to share everything about his spectacular travels and life-changing experiences. International News Service earths core is as hot as the suns surface citizens! Its driver was crushed its human-like inhabitants his final entry he wanted make... 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