Obatala was tasked with creating the world but got distracted at a party and could not fulfill their duties. Good weather brings peace to mind momentarily. Oba, the Orisha of water and manifestation, is no exception to a story that is best linked to jealousy. Her domain is the Niger River, fertility, secrets, shapeshifting, spirits, cemeteries, etc. Aja is actually the Goddess of the Forest and all of the animals that live within it. It is said that after the Bugandan people were terrorized by a series of attacks, their king decided to have a meeting with Mukasa, the Creator of all things, to ask him how he can defeat his enemies. Especially among women, Oshun holds a great significance. I ran outside and started calling the feminine Orishas I learned about in this book by Lillth Dorsey, Orishas Goddesses and Voodoo Queens. That is when people started to do their research about the Goddess, shining light on this Yoruba deity for the first time in the states. Because of their genderless identity, Obatala is a god for all and values fairness, forgiveness, and compassion. I love the statue and Im a big believer but I dont want to disrespect ogun and chango being in the same statue and space. Using oils, incense and soaps specifically created with the energy of the 7 African Powers will bless any ritual or spell you do. He actually has three different wives, Oshun, Oya and Oba, and he is often times depicted with either one of them or all three being by his side. Igbo is one of the oldest African religions around, with Ala being one of their oldest and most popular goddesses. More and more people are being drawn to their pre-Christian ancestral ways. If Apophis was not defeated, the planet would be in terrible danger. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I want to truly understand not go on this journey just because. Later on I was afraid as the guide said Orisha might not be happy because he was called upon just to see if something would happen, but later my friend found out that the Orisha god had something in common with us. Im trying to be cautious and respectful at the same time because I am not black, Im asian actually. At the start of the rainy season, the Yoruban people partake in a festival to show their appreciation for Oko. There are thousands upon thousands of cultures to explore here, to the point where you could actually spend your whole life researching everything that Africa has in store for you and youd still fail to capture it in its entirety.

Kibuka would then go ahead of the warriors to clear their paths and ensure their victory. Officially, African gods and belief systems have been replaced by Islam and Christianity over the past century according to statistics (90%), but it is often an Im not black. This basket is full of potions and healing herbs, since she is also often times referred to as the Goddess of Botany. Oguns polarity is present in his healing abilities and his ability to destroy. Antaeus, a popular God among the Berber people. Havent really left Hebrewism as Im tribe of Dan. I have a question I am worshiping both Oya and Oshun, From this, I have learned that they do not like each other is it okay that Im Worshiping both-? She is strikingly similar to Dionysus, the Greek goddess of wine and fertility. Being the third and the most senior wife of Shango, Oba was one of his consorts. What do you advice I do about the statue? Weather is a fundamental aspect of any significant settlement. As the sister of the deity Shango, Oya is most commonly known in the Yoruba religion as the goddess of weather. Olokun ("Owner of Oceans") is a God of the Sea. The Seven African Powers are made up of the seven most prominent Orishas: Elegua, Yemaya, Oshun, Chango, Obatala, Oya, and Ogun. Olokun - God of the Sea. Whichever way she is depicted, she is always shown to be a motherly being with nothing but divine power at her fingertips. Neffertia received her B.S. and looking to strengthen my practice. 106 lessons. Eshu, the Divine Trickster. I know as far back1400 or 1500. Which was that he had left home + family when he was young. He is the one that has the cure for any illness around and if you ever happen to grow sick and weary you need to pray to Obaluaye if you wish to be healed as soon as possible. Aj Shaluga is responsible for providing fair wages to their people for work activities and money to cover the needs of Yoruba families. It is a fantastic place to start taking in the sheer size of the beliefs of the ancient civilizations living on such a diverse continent. Her name translates to The Black One, and she is most often times showcased as a serpent. Athena is the most famous goddess of wisdom from the ancient world. This lesson touched on Santeria, a religion that mixes Yoruba gods with Christian saints. Use the oil to anoint doorways, wallets, candles, your car, and your body to invoke their blessings and protection. Followers of Babal Ay offer him things like white wine and grains. He is pretty much just a benevolent version of Loki, as he goes around not trying to stir up problems but instead just enjoying life, more so playing the role of a messenger between the realm of spirits and mankind. Oshun is also associated with fertility, so women who want children and are infertile will call upon Oshun for assistance. And what better tool to carry it out than the trusty old iron? Many spirits are associated with geographical features, such as mountains, rivers, wells, trees, and springs. Ty for your helpful guidance. Some people liken the Orishas to gods and goddesses. Among the Yoruba people, Nana Buluku is regarded as the grandmother of the orishas and represents the ancestral memory of their ethnicity. or the original orishas. There is no official African religion out there, and that is because there are countless cultures and practices that are spread all across the continent. A note on online sources: Ive done considerable research on the Seven African Powers, and I find it interesting that because of the forced syncretization of the Seven African Powers with seven Catholic saints, some sources claim the original 7 were never Orishas. Human spirits exist within the mind, and hence, tending to its development is what Orunmila really does. Its Yemoja not Yemaya please shes called Yemoja in Africa. He does require tobacco offerings though, but once you do receive his blessing you are pretty much set for life. These spirits are thought to give guidance for life issues and problems. ?.are you familiar with this entity. Obatala prefers people who control their emotions and are level-headed. Thank you for sharing. The Seven African Powers are seven of the most potent and venerated Orishas. But before that, I could hear my ancestors say, I am from Bantu lineage. In Shangos case, he was considered the grandson of the Orisha Oduduwa in Yoruba mythology. Lets get this new spiritual awareness and help on the road!!!! Osanyin has his own herb garden where he can provide the appropriate plant for medical use or food consumption. Hes also credited with the job of creating human bodies particularly with imperfections like blindness and other defects. lol I guess I was half asleep when i read how to use the candle because everyday for 7 days i would wake up , light the candle, say the prayer, then before bed i would turn it off. Yemaya has no meaning in Yoruba. Anyhoot, I started immersing myself in Nigerian culture, 1st with the Nollywood movies and the AfroBeats music and eventually with some of the food. However, the constant need by human beings for basic things from the sky, such as food, seemed to frustrate him, so he began his journey away from the planet. Im new the the practice as well, still learning. This is the list of orisha youll find more information below: Obatala; Shango; Ogun; Ochossi; Ossain; Eshu; Omulu; Oshumare; Yemaya; Oshun; Oya; Nana. They are rivals. I dont have an answer but just want to share with you. Described as a powerful deity with a voice like thunder and a mouth that spewed fire, Shango (also called Chango) is a major deity of the Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria. It is revered as the goddess that promotes productivity, hard work, and the overall positive well-being of the people. Dahomey Goddesses As well as African Goddesses, there are also many important Gods in African mythology, including Shango, Olorun, Obatala, Bumba, Oya, It is said that Obatala was the one that created the human bodies, and as they finished up their job, they demanded of their father to breathe life into the soulless bodies in front of them. Id like to invoke all 7 spirits to assist in my plight and once and for all rid myself of these spiritual attacks or at least be better prepared when adversity comes. Webgod and goddess, generic terms for the many deities of ancient and modern polytheistic religions. Can you guide me as to how to proceed. Such deities may correspond to earthly and celestial phenomena or to human values, pastimes, and institutions, including love, marriage, hunting, war, and the arts. The Yoruba religion originated from Nigeria, where it starts off small but it soon picked up traction, becoming a faith where its followers can address the gods and goddesses through their complex oral traditions which they pass down from generation to generation. General African myths deal with confusion by introducing a force that counters it. The ones in the article are just the most popular, and sought after. I prayed for cleansing and repair. Is the letter y even in our native language? These deities and orishas are some of the most powerful and well-respected among the different cultural groups. Nabu. what i do is follow certain people on youtube who talk about the storys of the orishas which i find to be very important , you can learn a lot about the orishas and lessons through the stories. Obatala does not identify as male or female. Fire and thunder are associated with Shango and the oshe, a double-headed battleaxe, is his most prominent ritual symbol. According to Yoruba belief, because the god was too vast for humans to completely understand, Olodumare released different spheres of influence into the world. Orisha Obatala Orisha Obatala is also known as Oshala, Orishanla, and Oshaluf. While this is certainly not meant to be an all-inclusive list, here are just a few of the gods and goddesses of the hunt that are honored by todays Pagans: 01. of 09. Shango has a presence among many other African cultural groups and is referred to by different names like Esango among the Edo people of southeastern Nigeria and Sogbo among the Fon people of Benin. The lush continent of Africa is in fact home to numerous animals and insects found only on the continent, as well as beautifully diverse groups of people, each retaining their breathtaking cultures of yore. I dreamt of a woman with her face covered from the top of her white glowing crown, long red dress with glowing white heart on the front . As Christianity became an influence in Africa, many regions blended historical African deities and gods with Christian beliefs. The company was so impressed at my score results that they called immediately and offered employment! Eshu Elegbara is also known as Elegua, Exu, Eshu and Legba (or Papa Legba), depending on the tradition. Oya ya is the goddess of winds, lightning, and violent storms, death, and rebirth. If its precious to you, then just retread it, and cleanse it. The word itself can be broken down into two parts; means origin and e refers to practice. Coming together, literally means practicing our origin. As you can see, this is a beautiful way to honor their roots, as most of their traditions and beliefs spring from their deep-rooted faith in the Orisha Pantheon. The natural world generally flourishes with life. Bumba is represented as a giant, white-colored figure that has been ill for millions of years, which explains the use of vomit to create life on Earth. Trickster gods are present in many cultures around the world. I thought her name was spelled differently depending on the particular sect. Of all the African religions, this remains one of the few on the rise. Hi i am new to this i am just seeking information on the seven African Powers because and was told many times to call on my ancestors for help and not sure how to call on them and i really think i need if because my financial life is not good, my husband health has taken a dip and he was the bread winner in the home , right now i cannot pay my tuition as i am a Nursing student , i have four boy to support and cannot even afford to even purchase books for school sometimes i really need guidance. We all know that no matter which religion you look into, chances are that they consider rivers to be a benevolent gift from the gods. Hes the fertile male god whos intimate with Oba, Oshun and Oya. I was given a 7 african powers necklace on the 7th day it mysteriously broke. Dont be scared sound very direct try to have an old item of your siblings and white candles. So, in reality, Oya really is the goddess of change. Where do they live? WebBuy Wicca Magical Deities: A Complete Guide to Wicca Magical Deities Goddesses, Gods, Pantheons, Working and Connecting With Deities, Rituals, Spellcasting, and More by Blackwood, Selene (ISBN: 9798378509256) from Amazon's Book Store. How old is the United States of America? I called out to them as I could name them. New. A white candle works for just about any invocation and for any deity. Oshun is the Yoruban goddess of the river. Use the following activities to learn more. One of my supervisors told me to lohe Kush or kushinties for religion purposes of my own. She is the wife of Nyame, the creator god. But last night I had the strangest dream where there was some type of male figure? Apr 17, 2019 - Explore King Jefferson's board "African Gods and Goddesses" on Pinterest. Oko is the Yoruban god of agriculture who encourages the soil to produce bountiful crops. Yoruba. Dialogue Institute, Dialogue Institute, 16 Sept. 2020, https://dialogueinstitute.org/afrocaribbean-and-african-religion-information/2020/9/16/yoruba . In present-day Nigeria, Yoruba mythology has evolved into a faith where its followers address the gods and goddesses in respect to the complex oral traditions passed down from generation to generation. Home. Staff Works , https://africa.si.edu/collections/objects/4343/staff;jsessionid=D42CDB944133045361825BF627EC3B4C. Instead, he has solidified his position as a messenger between the realm of spirits and humankind, not unlike the Greek god Hermes.. He is often noted as being the master behind shaping every child when they are within the womb. Learn about the Seven African Powers and how you can begin working with them in African spirituality and folk magic. Whenever she does lose her temper though she causes the waters to be violent, attacking and taking down even the mightiest ships because of her sorrows. Most of the time they are depicted as both a male and a female orisha, and their followers are always thanking them for providing them with fair wages and plenty of work opportunities to keep their families fed and happy. Some recollections tell us that there are as many as 700, 900 or even 1,440 Orishas around. I have three of the seven powers already in my home: Ellegua, Ogun, and Obatala. He is the Orisha to call upon when you need a road opened and to open communication with all other Orishas and spirits. A lifelong fan of mythology and all things ancient, Adrian has always been fascinated by the rich stories and legends of different cultures, and he loves nothing more than diving into a good mythological tale. Invoke her at the beach. I am a little somewhat afraid to just start all out practicing Voodoo & calling out to the Orishas, but I realize that its partly because of the demonization of white oppressors. I would prefer to learn it also orally so I actually know the original sound and tonation of their name. WebThe following is a list of Yoruba deities Olrn - the supreme creator deity Aganju - Orisha of volcanoes, the wilderness and rivers Aja - Orisha of the forest, the animals within it, and herbal healing Ayao - Orisha of air Babalu Aye - Orisha of the Earth and strongly associated with infectious disease (particularly smallpox, leprosy and AIDS) and healing Egungun These deities and orishas rule over various elements and are part of cultural beliefs: Among the Yoruba people, Aj Shaluga is the orisha of money and treasures. The Yoruba, Dogon, and Kuba peoples of Africa worshipped many deities or orishas. This is because that number is an incomprehensible number for the Yoruba people, which in turn implies that there are an infinite number of gods in this pantheon. Free shipping. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Aphrodite Goddess Statue made of Marble Greek Roman Mythology Sculpture at the best online prices at eBay! They are similar but not quite the same. Instead, we can refer to the Yoruba religion as its most popular religion simply due to how widespread it is. I feel that I closely identify with Oshun. So, for todays article we decided to bring you a quick rundown of 15 African Gods and Goddesses that are going to show you just how interesting this part of the world can really be. As for the 400+1 concept, the 1 is an incredibly sacred number that tells you that there are countless Orishas, but you will always be one count short if you try to comprehend it. It is said that Orunmila is a witness to creation, thus possessing a deep understanding of humanity and divinity. Such deities may correspond to earthly and celestial phenomena or to human values, pastimes, and institutions, including love, marriage, hunting, war, and the arts. WebAbassi African God. Oduda is the goddess of prostitution that is worshipped by the North-West African people. Their androgynous trait is actually meant to represent fairness, forgiveness and compassion all at once. Modern Santeria, Voodoo, and other Caribbean traditions still value this practice today. West Africa is anything but peaceful, as war can break out at any point between tribes, which is why steel is a more useful keeper of peace than words will ever be. The answer will reveal itself. The concept of destiny is gazed upon in awe by all those who truly place their faith in it. In the pantheon, Oshun was Shangos favorite wife, which greatly affected Oba. Shango has three wives, Oshun, Oya, and Oba. The belief in reincarnation is linked to ideas from their ancestors. He is the best weapon wielder in the Orisha. I have the utmost respect for ALL the ORISHAs! According to legend, Magec was captured by Guayota and held prisoner inside the Teide volcano. The Origin of Hotdogs, The History of Boracay Island in The Philippines. Did they appear to you during meditation? Goddesses can be found in the historical beliefs or current day observances of most cultures and religions. 77 sold. People believed that spirits possess powers that can be used for good or evil and are often associated with environmental and geographical features like thunder and mountains. Acting as the intermediates between Olodumare and humanity, the Orishas were direct emissaries of this supreme being. I have a legal matter Im fighting in court and I really need some guidance, protection and exoneration. I felt Yemaya and Oyas presence about me. The Igbo kept this deity in high esteem. --~Attributes and Correspondences~--. Spirit of the ancestors lives in your blood and you can invoke the presences of anyone of them, to assist you on your journey. According to some Irish myths, Clodhna was the most beautiful woman on earth and a goddess of love and beauty. So you may think about the total as often as you like, but there will always be one more Orisha to consider. Id like a friend that wouldnt mind my questions, or be judgemental. Ala is a goddess in Igbo mythology from eastern Nigeria. These are the Benin, Yoruba and Dahomey tribes, and despite the fact that prostitution is considered to be a taboo by most modern people, it is often times cited as a necessity by these tribes. It would be nice to chat. Ammon, the God of life. It is said that Bumba vomited the universe during its inception, creating the sun then drying up the water on Earth creating the land. However, its all the same. Have a respect and understanding of what the Orishas people endured and henceforth survived. Oshun is depicted in the Yoruban religion as a protector and savior of the people. She is a sister of Oshun, Orisha of rivers. The notion of reincarnation is that deceased family members make their journey back to life as a new baby in the same family they once departed from. Due to its diversity, African religions can be classified into countless smaller ones. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Although they are always more That theyve always been saints. Always heard Nana buruku when I was little. Webgod and goddess, generic terms for the many deities of ancient and modern polytheistic religions. From Oshun, to Isis, to Eve, to Freya, etc. At the same time, we can assure you that if you do end up doing your own homework, youll find more than a handful of customs and traditions that you yourself may start adoring just as much as we do. 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